• Film Production Innovation

    CineLogic is a team of veteran, action-film specialists, including award-winning producers, writers, directors, editors, stuntmen, cinematographers, visual-effects artists, music composers, post-production supervisors, software engineers and patent attorneys. Our list of over 300 big-budget feature film credits include some of the most profitable hits of all time. Over the course of those many movies, we’ve developed a suite of disruptive innovations that we call “CineLogic”.

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CineLogic is a revolutionary filmmaking system that boosts quality, slashes cost and enables new mind-bending cinematic capabilities.



CineLogic has been thoroughly, successfully and profitably field-tested on famous complex action scenes.


Our partners include the best game engine software developer and the leading previz artists in the industry.


Our list of over 300 feature film credits include some of the most profitable Hollywood movies ever made.

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Our Disruptive Innovations


Months before we actually begin shooting, we use the world’s most sophisticated game-engine to design the final edit of our movie, on our computer screen … down to the finest details. Then we improve upon our design, still on our computer screen, through over 150 iterations, until it’s perfect.


With a completed blueprint of each shot of our movie, we use the same software to “zoom out” and animate how our film-crew and their equipment will capture each shot. We call this F.E.E.D – for front-end engineering & design. Our computer then generates personnel & equipment lists for each shot.


With precise lists of the people and equipment needed to capture each shot, we can then distribute the shot assignments to a group of small, efficient production teams rather than one large cumbersome team. This radically slashes the size of our crews and the amount of overall hours they need to work.


Micro-production allows an expensive camera-setup from our movie to supply shots to other movies, TV shows or commercials. This enables foreign language versions of our movies to be produced, each with it’s own complete foreign cast – for deeper penetration into global markets.


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