Making History

With over 300 feature film credits, CineLogic’s team began innovating pre-visualization technologies in 1983. Soon after, “CineLogic” became known as an expanding Intellectual Property portfolio, encompassing how to best use ever-evolving, pre-vis tech in film production. Along the way, CineLogic became a verb – as in “to CineLogic this scene” – something the team has been profitably doing for Hollywood hits, since 1996. 

Deployment #1 - 1988

Captained by CineLogic, team members, the 81-person World Record is set – using animated C.A.D. stills, generated by a computer, to previsualize shots and brief the team.

IP Dev Alpha - 1991

To prepare him for his aerial stunts in ‘Point Break’, Patrick Swaize trains under CineLogic team members. His program forms the safety protocols woven into all of CineLogic’s IP.

IP Dev Delta - 1992

CineLogic team members perform and film stunts in Sylvester Stallone’s ‘Cliffhanger’ – and get our first exposure to the cost/quality analytics of big-budget Hollywood productions.

IP Dev Kilo - 1993

Team members perform in the famous bridge scene in Arnold Schwarzenegger’s ‘True Lies’ – focused on the stunt’s “one take” requirement. If that shot can be captured in just one take, why not others?

IP Dev Lima - 1994

CineLogic team members move, for the first time, into top management positions on Wesley Snipe’s ‘Drop Zone’ – completing the IP research necessary to deploy the system.

Deployment #6 - 1995

Our system is deployed for the first time on a major motion picture – Arnold Scharzenegger’s ‘Eraser’. The scene was nominated for the ‘MTV Best Action Award’, at less than 4% of the normal cost.

Deployment #7 - 1996

Team members win their first CLIO award, with the CineLogic innovations, for the year’s #1 commercial, for ‘Sony’.

Deployment #17 - 1999

CineLogic team members hold all the key positions when they write, produce, direct and perform in their first feature film – ‘Cutaway’ – taking a key step toward “industrializing” our process.

Deployment #24 - 2002

CineLogic’s transferability is successfully demonstrated on Christian Bale’s ‘Equilibrium’, when the system is run by a “second generation” CineLogic member, without the help of the veteran team.

Deployment #28 - 2005

CineLogic pushed new-wave action choreography and quick-cut timing to a new level in Milla Jovovich’s action hit ‘UltraViolet’.

Deployment #33 - 2008

Faced with “lowering the cost or losing the scene”, Warner Bros. deploys the CineLogic team to deliver the award-winning scene in Anne Hathaway and Steve Carrell’s ‘Get Smart’.

IP Dev Tango - 2012

CineLogic team members research and document the implications of our F.E.E.D. system on Robert Downey Jr.’s ‘Iron Man 3’ – which cracks $1.2B in box office, and steals the show at the MTV Awards.

Deployment #40 - 2013

Our Micro-Production innovation proved “talent-friendly” on ‘Grudge Match’ – starring Sylvester Stallone and Robert DeNiro.

Deployment #44 - 2014

A CineLogic team member, saved the studio a bundle and racked up nominations and awards on Jake Gyllenhaal’s ‘NightCrawler’.

Deployment #45 - 2014

The same CineLogic team member racked up even more nominations and awards on Aaron Paul’s ‘Need For Speed’.

Deployment #55 - 2018

Dramatic Acadamey award-winning actress Nicole Kidman tests out the CineLogic action system on 2019’s ‘Destroyer’.

Deployment #60 - 2020

CineLogic controlled costs and boosted quality in the many extended car-action sequences in Russell Crowe’s ‘Unhinged’.

Deployment #68 - 2022

CineLogic’s “show me, don’t tell me” approach helped foreign language crews keep up the pace in Ben Foster and Sir Michael Caine’s 2022 ‘Medeival’.

IP Dev Victor - 2022

With the help of one of our team members who worked on ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’, CineLogic was later able to run a complete post-production, forensic analysis – gaining key insights into our sharing innovations, and adding to our IP portofolio.