To edit down to a 2-hour movie, Hollywood productions must shoot over 300 hours worth of shots. The preparation that goes into each shot is wildly expensive. That’s why big movies cost $200-300 million. CineLogic is a new way of filmmaking that eliminates the need for 292 of those 300 hours. First, we make inexpensive animated versions of the film one after another, until we’re satisfied that our movie design is award-caliber quality. The final animated version then serves as the precision template for shooting the real film. Our mission is to franchise this system to talented filmmakers everywhere.

Guy Manos


Guy Manos is the technical master-mind behind CineLogic, a University of Miami film-school graduate, a world skydiving champion, stuntman, screenwriter and director. Guy was one of the pioneers of what the film industry now calls “pre-vis” technology --- the jumping off point, for all the CineLogic innovations. In the development of the CineLogic IP portfolio, Guy thoroughly field-tested and proved out all the CineLogic innovations - on big-budget features for Disney, Warner Bros., Paramount and Universal.

Our Pros in the Field

department heads

The CineLogic team includes top Hollywood directors of photography, DGA directors, WGA writers, composers, sound editors, producers, stunt experts, VFX and post-production supervisors, editors, software engineers and patent attorneys. With over 300 feature film credits, including some of the most profitable hits of all time.

Daniel McNicoll


Daniel McNicoll, former executive director of Galatia Films and co-founder of CineLogic, studied finance at Belmont University. He’s worked for Deutsche Bank in Scotland, UK and severed as a mutual fund accountant at PNC Bank in the US. Daniel has completed projects for Apple, Netflix, Disney and Warner Bros. After deep financial analysis of the CineLogic IP portfolio, he put the company on the path to monetization / profitability and, (via a rapid franchise model) charted a path toward full-scale optimization.

How We're Different

We use computer simulators to attack the cost of big-budget film production. While the rest of the industry designs their films as they produce them, our innovations allow us to separate the design and production functions. This separation triggers breakthroughs in both quality and cost. In the existing world of big-budget film production, any one of these benefits would constitute a significant competitive edge – but when taken together, we’ve proven they provide an overwhelming advantage.

Our History

CineLogic’s team began innovating pre-visualization technologies in 1983. Soon after, “CineLogic” became known as our expanding Intellectual Property portfolio, encompassing how to best use ever-evolving, pre-visualization technologies in film production. Along the way, CineLogic became a verb – as in “to CineLogic this scene” – something the team has been profitably doing on Hollywood hits, for decades. CineLogic Limited is a new corporate entity, formed to allow investors to join the team in our mission to disrupt the film and television industries. View our company timeline and credits below.